Soon Shine Press Kit

Fact Sheet
Platform:Release Date: 2013/12/05 (iOS), 2014/08/14 (Wii U)
Price: $1.99 USD
File Size: 97MB
Language: English
ESRB: E for everyone
Please visit Dahku's press page for company details and inquiries.Game Trailer
Logos / Icons / Imagery
Soon Shine Media Kit
ZIP Archive (13 Images, 4.9MB)
While brainstorming Dahku's next iOS game endeavor, Paul had an image of a fast and frantic game where fingers flew about the touchscreen in a strategic manner. Toby had for some time been toying with the concept of doing an action equivalent of endless puzzle games like Tetris. These two ideas came together beautifully, and Soon Shine was born! This was to be Dahku's third original title, and with such solid gameplay and a much stronger marketing push, we had high hopes for success. Instead, we found ourselves looking at the low, double-digits of its first week sales figures and wondering how things could have gone that wrong... After discussions with other iOS devs we concluded that aiming too low graphically to support iPod Touch may have hurt Soon Shine's appeal, but overall it was probably just the oversaturation and IAP-infested state of the market. Soon Shine was our last iOS attempt, and was later removed from the App Store.Taking Soon Shine to Wii U™ was an experiment of sorts. We felt that the game could still be a success if given the chance. The graphics were its weak point--something our previous Wii U™ offering, Chubbins, received no end of grief on--so we essentially rebuilt Soon Shine's visuals from scratch for its console release. And though we made no efforts to hide the fact that it had originally been developed for iOS, neither did we mention it. Both these elements earned Soon Shine a much warmer reception from Nintendo fans. Regrettably, its downfall on Wii U™ was a problem of conveyance; players who didn't grasp the gameplay's subtle intricacies ended up dismissing it as "mindless tapping." Though Soon Shine could hardly be called successful, we at least feel a certain redemption at giving the game a life it never got on iOS.