Rotund Rebound, Full Speed Ahead!
It's been a while, huh? As with our previous post, lack of updates has not been for lack of progression. Rotund Rebound is coming along very nicely and we're more hyped for it than ever. That said, we have reevaluated the time we'll need to comfortably finish, polish, and promote the game, and we feel confident targeting an early 2020 release (official date TBA as we close in).
Yeah, it's still a ways off. In the meantime, we have some cool news to share. For starters, sit back, relax, and enjoy our snazzy new trailer!
What do you think? Does that not look like a blast to play? But the awesome doesn't end there!

We want everyone to know in advance where they can expect to find Rotund Rebound. The process of getting signed up and established with various platforms has been more cumbersome than expected, but we're excited to officially announce our first two, Xbox One and Steam! (early Wishlist, anyone?) We expect to be able to announce more platforms soon, but for now this feels like Rotund Rebound has taken a huge step forward on the road from concept to reality.
Thanks for hanging with us!